ProStein GmbH & Co. KG ⋅ Stolpener Straße 15, 01877 Bischofswerda, Germany +49 (3594) 7949830 +49 (3594) 7949831

Stone Quarry Friedrichswalde/Ottendorf

The Friedrichswalde quarry is located south of Pirna, directly next to the A17 motorway.
It was developed for the first time in 1991 and taken over by ProStein in 2000.
Production on site is by means of a track-mounted primary crushing plant and a stationary crushing and screening plant.
We produce frost-protection layers, gravel base courses, chippings, track ballasts and armourstones here, amongst other things.

Type of stone: diabase

You can download declarations of performance, suitability classification, test reports and declarations of acceptance for land fills in the customer portal of our sales company: